
How To Put Phone In Room With No Jack

Jan six, 2002
  • #1
Friend is renting a room, in that location'southward no phone jack in it, and the owner doesn't want him to install a telephone jack. He'southward trying to effigy out how to become DSL. I've seen devices that plough an ac outlet into a telephone line, merely I have my doubts how well they'll piece of work, if at all with dsl. I'm guessing his options are virtually non-exsistant, but if any of y'all accept a suggestion I could pass along to him, that would be neat. If it makes any difference, he's in the basement room, which isn't super close to a room with a jack.
  • #2
Install a wireless router somewhere there's a phone jack and get a signal off that?
January half dozen, 2002
  • #three
thought most that, merely I dunno how he's going to configure the modem/router if he doesn't hook them to his pc to practice it. Maybe he could move the PC upstairs long enough to configure them and put it back downstairs.
  • #iv
Does he demand DSL? What about cable? If he doesn't have a cablevision jack either, and then there might exist a broadband-over-ability service in his area he could look into. DSL is only one broadband solution.
  • #5
Originally posted by: QueBert
thought near that, but I dunno how he'south going to configure the modem/router if he doesn't hook them to his pc to exercise it. Perhaps he could movement the PC upstairs long plenty to configure them and put information technology dorsum downstairs.
Or just configure them on the PC downstairs and so take them upstairs and plug them into the phone jack.

Honestly though, it should be possible to convince the landlord, but tell him it would increase the value of the house.

  • #7
WOW $12.99 a month for DSL. Must be 128k connectedness.

here is what i would do. get a wireless AP and connect it to your pc and disable DHCP if it is enabled. So connect information technology to your dsl modem. as long every bit your workstation connects to the ap you should be able to configure your dsl modem with out existence connecting directly to it.

October 25, 1999
Jan 6, 2002
  • #9
Originally posted past: blemoine
WOW $12.99 a month for DSL. Must be 128k connectedness.

hither is what i would do. get a wireless AP and connect it to your pc and disable DHCP if it is enabled. And so connect it to your dsl modem. as long every bit your workstation connects to the ap you should be able to configure your dsl modem with out being connecting directly to it.

ha nah, it'southward not blazing, but I think information technology's 768/128k. It'south 20 something if you call and order it, for some reason ordering online makes information technology mucho cheaper.
  • #10
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: blemoine
WOW $12.99 a month for DSL. Must be 128k connectedness.

here is what i would do. go a wireless AP and connect information technology to your pc and disable DHCP if information technology is enabled. And so connect it to your dsl modem. as long as your workstation connects to the ap yous should be able to configure your dsl modem with out existence connecting directly to information technology.

ha nah, it'due south not blazing, only I recollect it'due south 768/128k. It's 20 something if you call and club it, for some reason ordering online makes it mucho cheaper.
It'due south really one.5Meg down. Not certain on the up. Information technology's as well $fourteen.99/mo but you get $2/mo off if you social club online... I only know this because nosotros're trying to get my wife's parents to ditch dial-upward and go with this correct now.
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How To Put Phone In Room With No Jack,


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